Join the mission, reach the stars.


Token supply: 1 Billion

Liquidity: 100% fair launch


Brand & Identity Development

Finalize Buzz Coin logo, branding, and tagline. Create a pitch deck explaining the vision, mission, and utility of Buzz Coin. Develop social media channels: OpenChat, X.

Website Launch on ICP

Launch a fully decentralized website using the Internet Computer Protocol. Overview of Buzz Coin’s mission, key features, tokenomics and roadmap. Whitepaper: detailing Buzz Coin's technical and strategic details.

Coin Release Strategy

Launch on launch.bob.fun
Liquidity 100% Fair Launch
Buzz Coin Total Supply:
1,000,000,000 tokens.

Listing on Exchanges

Initial Listing: Decentralized exchange (DEX) on ICP. Future Listings: Aim to get Buzz Coin listed on popular centralized exchanges (Binance, KuCoin, etc.).

Community Engagement

Host weekly AMA sessions. Reward early adopters with NFTs and token airdrops. Launch referral programs to boost community growth. Begin 3D Crypto Project for HOLDERS.